Monday, February 4, 2008

Super Tuesday 2008

Tomorrow is Super Tuesday -- the big one. It's fairly safe to say after Tuesday, we'll have a good idea who the Democratic and Republican nominees will be...but probably not. Regardless, if you are of voting age and in a state where primaries are held tomorrow, please vote. If you're at a decent polling place, it will take a few minutes. Yes, one vote matters.

Saying one vote doesn't matter is like saying your voice doesn't matter. If that's how you feel, than don't complain. If they raise taxes, go to another war, do something you don't like, then shut up. You get the right to critique if you actually took part. The only other problem is what if you don't agree with the main candidates? Find a side party. You may think you're "throwing your vote away", but Ron Paul as a "Republican" got more electoral votes than the other lesser known Republican candidates. Even if he loses, politicians and the general public sees he at least has a following, which is all it takes.

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