Thursday, January 17, 2008

iPhone Incongruity 1

A while ago, I was watching an episode of Journeyman (imdb) when I noticed an issue with one of the elements of the TV show, the iPhone. The main character has an iPhone and there are many close ups of it throughout the series. This, however, is the first close up of the screen:

The screenshot shows the iPhone upside down (notice the only hard button on the top center). The top bar of the GUI has a battery and signal strength bars. The other issue with this screenshot, is I've never had my iPhone say "No Service..." when I have no service.

As a note, I planned to make a post about this a while ago, but doing a little searching showed me it was also mentioned here. Eventually, I hope to watch the entire series again with the note on why it's an invalid iPhone screenshot.

Aside from the part that I own an iPhone and seeing stuff like this in TV drives me crazy (imagine seeing a computer with a Windows Vista start up screen and then it goes to black and white Linux command line), I really enjoy the show and urge others to check it out.

As a note, the iPhone has to be running at least before 1.1.3.

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