Monday, January 28, 2008

Preparing for Battlestar Galactica Season 4

In preparation for the Season 4 of Battlestar Galactica (coming in March), I'm re-watching all of the episodes to freshen up. After watching it over for a second time, the tightness of the storylines, character development, dialogue is all beautifully done.

I'm very impressed by the screenwriting and overall visuals of the series. And of course, the screenwriting is the most important aspect of creating the series. Hopefully the writer's strike didn't push back the deadline for this series. It being the last one, I can't help but guess what will be coming up.

Since I'm not up to snuff on where the series ended, here are the guesses I'[m giving for Season 4:

1) They will find Earth
I know a previous interview (unsourced) stated that they will never find Earth, I think they will eventually come upon it.

2) Cylon Fracture
I believe that some of the Cylons will defect and eventually fight the factioning Cylons and live on Earth together. Or such factioning will weaken the strength of Cylons, leading to their destruction.

I'm not going to say much more without spoiling some of the information given in later seasons.

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